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Board Member – Report to Secretary



• Promote & Sell Subscriptions/Tickets for Theatre Aurora Productions

• Create communications strategy for social media and membership

• Create and distribute monthly newsletter



• Responsible for providing an activities report at each Board meeting and is required to be guided by Board decisions.

• Responsible for all social media content

• Responsible for creating content, updating and maintaining the Theatre Aurora website.


Specific Tasks:

• Create a monthly newsletter that includes audition notices, call for volunteers, news, schedules, interesting facts, etc. and distribute to our mailing list utilizing MailChimp.

• Report the results of each newsletter interaction to the Board of directors.

• Actively post on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

• With the Marketing Director, utilize the poster design or production photography to actively promote Theatre Aurora productions.

• Follow other Community Theatre groups on social media and comment, like, share, interact as required to maintain audience engagement.

• Create a social media strategy to increase engagement and followers – this includes contests or giveaways.


Skill/Experience Preferred:

• Word Processing/Computer Skills Required.

• Excellent creative writing and communication skills would be of great benefit.

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